facebook What Is Better International Business Or Project Management?

What Is Better, International Business Or Project Management?

“Should I choose project management or international business?” This question or something along these lines is the eternal dilemma of many aspiring students that wants to pursue higher education. 

This blog will provide you with an overview of both these fields so that you can make up your mind. We will not only discuss the programs in detail but will also take a look at their merits. To begin with, let’s understand the difference between the two. 

Difference between international business management and project management

Project management and international business management both fall under the umbrella of managerial sciences and often overlap each other. However, there are distinct differences between the two. 

International business management is mostly concerned with the administrative side of businesses and revolves around conducting operations internationally. This field is larger than being just another managerial job as many factors transcend it from your mundane business administration posts. For starters, an international business manager has to take into account cross-cultural differences and international trading laws. 

On the other hand, project management is much more simple. It is mainly concerned with managing all the aspects of a project from planning to implementation. The bigger a project is harder it becomes. For instance, software development or construction projects often requires seasoned managers that have a lot of experience in the field. 

While international business management by definition transcends international borders, it is not the same for project management. Project managers are not bound to work internationally. They can easily find various projects in their home country. Both of these certifications add to the previous education and you can pursue either one to ascend to managerial roles. Let’s discuss some advantages of these diplomas below:

What are the benefits of an international business management diploma?

An international business diploma allows you to go global with your business. It is simply put a huge opportunity for you to expand your profits by traversing across borders. 

International Business has a vast job market as numerous companies are expanding their operations and tapping into new market segments. This opens up a chasm that can only e filled with international business managers. 

Another good aspect of completing an international business management diploma is that it will provide you with a constant source of income. Unlike other jobs, this field is unaffected by the fluctuations in international markets and world business environments. That is simply because all businesses have to make dollars to sustain themselves. Seems cliche but that’s the stark truth and it plays to your advantage if you’re striving to become an international business manager. 

To read more about the advantages of studying international business management, click here. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of project management?

Project management comes with its own merits and demerits. However, it is very appealing to those that dream big and want to achieve a position of authority. Studying project management diploma will open up this gateway for you and you can acquire the skills necessary to become a project manager. 

Project managers move from project to project and are involved in the conception of projects and ultimately their completion. They are integrated into every detail of the project and head teams to meet goals and enter new phases of the project. Moreover, project managers also have to take into account the allocated budget amount and have to get work done within its constraints. 

What most people perceive as a weakness of project management is its biggest strength. That is its short life. People, in general, get dissuaded from becoming project managers fearing they won’t get constant paychecks. For those people, I think, a shift of perspective is in order. When you start thinking about it in terms of job dynamics and the lack of stagnancy, project management will begin to appeal to you. 

As you move from project to project you will acquire more knowledge about the inner workings of many workplace environments and practices. 

Merits aside, project management comes with its intrinsic risks. As a project manager, you will bear the blame for the project’s failure. Moreover, as project lead, you will have to be quick on your feet to tackle new situations and difficulties as they arise. Also, you must ensure peaceful coexistence amongst your team and dissipate any negative interactions. 

For your assistance here is a glimpse of opportunities available as a job for project managers in Canada.

Well, our verdict is that both these fields come with their advantages and disadvantages and you should opt for the one that rings closest to your ambitions and dreams. For more details check out our website to discover each diploma program in more detail.